Smart Grid Interface Module
Increased reliability for smart
energy supply
The requirements for energy distribution in terms of usage, functionality and
structures are ever changing. Power grids are subject to the severe deviations in
energy flow caused by renewable sources. In the future, grids will also be challenged
by electric vehicles drawing power at charging stations.
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Transparent energy flows are a prerequisite for the stability of smart grids. Accordingly, actual grid states must be combined in a smart manner in order to match supply and demand. This is essential in order to balance the strongly fluctuating energy flows caused by volatile power sources on the one hand and consumption peaks caused by the steadily increasing number of electric vehicles drawing power for recharging on the other hand.
To allow grid operators to ensure the reliability of the distribution grid and to make costeffi-cient adjustments to the infrastructure, it is necessary to continuously measure and monitor the dynamic loads in the distribution grids. With the BeEnergy SG Smart Grid Interface Module, metering points can be implemented at strategic points in distribution grids, easily and at low costs.
Presentation SGIM